
Pacific Life Disability Insurance helps employees protect a portion of their paycheck if they're unable to work because of sickness, injury, or recovery from childbirth.

When an employee is unable to work because of a sickness, injury, or recovery from childbirth, disability insurance helps them meet their financial needs by replacing a portion of their paycheck. Pacific Life provides comprehensive support, including easy claims submission, experienced claims specialists, knowledgeable clinical resources, and thorough return-to-work and accommodation support.

Benefit Highlights

Short-Term Disability
• A replacement of a portion of your income with a weekly benefit
• A Work Incentive Benefit that allows you to receive combined benefits that may equal up to 100% of pre-disability earnings
• A Vocational Rehabilitation Incentive Benefit that offers up to a 20% incentive benefit, helping ensure you’re able and ready to return to work
• Waiver of Premium so you don’t need to pay premiums while on disability
• Other plan options that may include benefits for dependent care, a limited weekly benefit for pre-existing conditions, an employer benefit to cover workplace modifications, and more

Long-Term Disability
• A seamless transition from short-term disability to long-term (if necessary)
• Access to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offered through TELUS Health that includes versatile, personal, and confidential support services.

Optional benefits may include:
• Loan Assistance to help with regular loan payments
• Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to protect against inflation
• Survivor Benefit that gives a one-time payment to survivors
• Recovery Income Protection to help safeguard income for employees with commission-based or production-based jobs

Short-Term Disability Policy Form Series: ICC23 PLA DISP and ICC23 PLA STDC. Long-Term Disability Policy Form Series: ICC23 PLA DISP and ICC23 PLA LTDC.