
E3 Outsource Enrollment Only Package (Open Enrollment and Ongoing New Hire Enrollments)
E3 Outsource will provide the following services as part of the Enrollment Only Package:
• Custom toll free number and/or email address for use by employees for contact during the open
enrollment period and throughout the plan year for new hires
• Team of fully trained benefits coaches to communicate benefit offerings and provide decision support
for the open enrollment time period, then throughout the plan year for new hire enrollments
• Targeted outreach to full time benefits eligible employees to educate and aid in increasing employee
engagement in the enrollment process - this outreach will include phone calls and any needed email or
text messaging
• In-depth benefits education/ personalized discussion about employee needs
• Call center metric reporting once open enrollment is complete - these metrics can also be provided upon
request on a monthly or quarterly basis throughout the plan year.
E3 Outsource Full Benefits Management Package
In addition to the services provided in the enrollment package, E3 Outsource will provide the following post-enrollment support services as part of the Full Benefits Management Package:
• Claims triage
• ID card/ network assistance
• Qualifying life events
• Evidence of Insurability (E of I)
• Employee waived benefits outreach
• Dependent verification
• Court ordered benefits
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