
HSA Management

As plan deductibles continue to rise on standard employer health plans, many employers are turning to
HSAs with high‐deductible health plans (HDHPs) to help contain costs.

Our HSA solution allows employees to:
• Choose secure, FDIC‐insured deposits with Healthcare Bank, a division of Bell State Bank & Trust, a
$4 billion financial institution. Extended investment options available through a brokered HSA.
• Convenient access to view real‐time HSA cash and investment account balances, make HSA
contributions, and request distributions through our mobile app and online consumer portal.

Also, our HSA solution will allow you, the sponsor of the HSA program, to:
• Process enrollments and contributions efficiently with easy‐to‐use import and recurring
contribution processes.
• Establish an EDI connection with your HRIS system to automate enrollment and contribution data.
• Receive insightful data regarding the utilization of the HSA accounts in your participant population
through trends reporting.

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